Monday, December 17, 2012

Big Bath Bubbles

I don't remember who figured this out, but one of my kiddos' favorite bath time activities is making big bubbles with their arms.  I would post actual pictures, but . . . you know.  I've been looking through some pictures from the year (many of which would be fun to add for the stories to tell about them), and I saw these pictures that I took once so I could share the fun.

Here's how it works.

Step 1:  Get your arms, underarms, and chest nice a soapy.  Make sure it's a wet soapy, because if it's not wet enough it doesn't work well.

Step 2:  Hold your arms closely at your sides and wrapped together close in the front (see picture #1).

Step 3:  While keeping everything tight against your body, move shoulders and arms up and down a few times.

Step 4:  Very slowly and carefully pull your arms away from your body (see picture #2).  You can tell really quick if you've got a bubble or not.  If not, try again.  If you do, congratulations!

From here, it's play time.  Move your arms up and down to make your bubble go up and down, blow on it, poke soapy fingers through it but try not to pop it at the same time, or see if you can make your circle with just fingertips touching.  Of course there are always those times when someone has been having a bad bubble day, they've worked really hard to get one, and someone pops it.  But we have to do this almost every time someone is in the bath.

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