Monday, October 28, 2013

Awesome Adventures

(Just found most of this in my drafts.  Oops! Finished it up to post.)

Adam had a great summer working at camp again and serving as an NYLT senior patrol leader for a week (I need to get on writing about those).

But since he's been home he's had some much more extreme adventures.  My brother and brother-in-law have been training to do the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to-rim, and they invited Adam to join them in some prep hikes.

A few weeks ago they did 21.6 miles to Ben Lomond Peak in 7 1/2 hours.

On the way up they saw a herd of mountain goats (those little white things).

And here they are at the top!

Adam is a tough kid, so it was pretty telling to me when he walked in the door and flopped on the couch.

Over Labor Day weekend they took on King's Peak.  The plan was to leave at 3am, arrive at the area at 6am, and get on the trail.  They figured they would get home sometime between 9 and 10pm.  Jamie offered to drive them so the extreme hikers could get more rest and be safer, especially on their way home after they would be so completely worn out.

Here's a picture from along the way:

A view getting close to the top - about 1100 feet to go!

I couldn't find one from the top, but if I do, I'll get it added.

For a class Adam is taking he had to create a "This I Believe" statement and from that, create a video/slideshow.  Since it totally fits with this, here it is.